The travel industry's pandemic interregnum period is over. It's time to travel

October 18, 2021
The past 18 months have profoundly impacted the corporate travel space, with rapid developments underway in areas such as the future of office and work culture,evolving company travel policies, employee safety,and the overall reorientation of business travel planning in the post-pandemic environment

7 Things to Know About International Travel, post Covid-19

June 17, 2021
When it comes to international travel right now, the world isn't exactly anyone's oyster -- but it could be your cocktail shrimp. In other words, many countries are still closed to tourists, but plenty of great destinations are finally opening their doors.

The 8 Best Travel Essentials for Safe Travel During COVID-19

May 26, 2021
With COVID-19 vaccinations on the rise and travel restrictions easing up all over the world, there's a good chance you're looking to plan a trip after spending the majority of the past year at home

Travel’s Rebound Is Becoming Even More Unequal

May 24, 2021
The travel recovery continues, but the strong performance of a few standout countries, including the U.S., Mexico, and China, disguises continuing weakness in especially Europe and Asia.

Pandemic highlights value of travel agents

May 22, 2021
Planning a trip overseas these days requires more than the usual hunt for cheap flights and a sweet hotel. Travelers need to know when they can reasonably go, which countries are ready to accept them, what will be open, what entry requirements their destination.

The Experts’ View: Top 5 Business Travel Trends for 2018

June 22, 2018
Like every year, in this issue we bring you a compilation of top trends that will rule business travel in 2018. On one hand, corporate attitudes will soften towards ‘bleisure’ (or business + leisure) to help employees unwind during business trips.

How to Survive a 20-hour Flight—without a Laptop or Tablet

June 21, 2018
Reeling with the aftermath of the electronics ban on your next long-haul to the States or the UK? Wondering how will you ever survive that 20-hour flight without your laptop or tablet? Instead of being miserable on that flight, catch up on work and entertainment with these tips from UNIGLOBE experts

Airlines to Trick Your Palate at 30,000 Feet

June 21, 2018
Ever wondered why the meals on flight are seldom to your taste? In all likelihood, it’s your suppressed sense of taste at 30,000 feet, rather than the food supplier’s lack of culinary skills to blame.

Cruise Away This Summer

June 21, 2018
Looking for an experience beyond sinking your toes in the sand or sitting around a crackling campfire this summer? How about taking a cruise vacation with family?

4 Ways to Get in Sync With the Modern Traveller

June 21, 2018
They’re digitally obsessed, adventurous and do business like they do leisure – on their own terms. As the dominant generation of the times, no doubt, millennials constitute a significant section of your travelling workforce.

Keep Your Face on and Check-in to the Future

June 21, 2018
Identity validation is a crucial capability across the travel journey. Whether it’s at check-in, when you drop your bags or at the gate, there are often multiple ID checkpoints.

Feel the Power

June 21, 2018
The combined knowledge, resources and supplier network of 8000 travel experts across 6 continents, including 60 locations in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, make UNIGLOBE Travel a force to reckon with.

Carrots, Sticks, and Travel Costs

June 21, 2018
Business travel overspending can play havoc with your company’s cost containment plans. On one hand, attempting to cut costs by tightening spending limits with restrictive travel policies can prove to be counterproductive.

Edgy Air Travel Innovations Set for Take Off

June 21, 2018
From airborne showers to saloon style flying bars, airlines are going all out to transform your travel experience. The next generation of gizmos includes innovations aimed at boosting seat density, automating in-flight service and keeping you entertained on board.

Bridge the Communication Gap - Bring Your Travel Policy to Life

June 21, 2018
Not surprisingly, one of the hardest feats of an effective travel policy is an active implementation. No matter how well planned or laid out, there always seems to be a disconnect between the company’s travel policy and the travelers who use it.

Car Rides Get Personal

June 21, 2018
When everything from the décor of your hotel room to your in-flight meal is being customised to your taste, why should car rides be any different?

The Business Traveller, Human Resources, and Your Travel Policy

June 21, 2018
The advent of digital technology has had significant impact in the past few years, not the least of which is work / life balance for the business traveller.

How to Pick the Perfect Incentive Travel Partner

June 21, 2018
Finding the right blend of motivational goals and rewards is key to ensuring the performance of your workforce and, therefore, the success of your business.

Hold Now. Book Later

June 21, 2018
To make travel planning easier and more comfortable, UNIGLOBE Travel introduces a first-in-segment ‘PNR Hold’ feature for SpiceJet airlines.

Why Your Travel Program Is Like a New Vehicle

June 21, 2018
Today’s travel programs have a number of moving parts and an argument can be made that the servicing of these parts is best left to industry experts.